Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service


These policies describe:

  1. the terms under which domain name registrations can be submitted to the Registry as well as how the Registry will process domain name registration requests.
  2. the technical and administrative measures that the Registry shall use to ensure a fair, and technically stable administration of the TLD, setting out the basic rules and procedures applicable to:

        a. Any natural person or entity interested in registering a Domain Name

        b.the Registry; and

        c. Registrars.


 The Registry Policies for .LOCKER can be found at :


"Registry Operator" means Orange Domains LLC, the Registry Operator as licensed by ICANN under the Registry Agreement for the TLD.LOCKER. .locker Registry Agreement (

"Registered Name" means a domain name within the domain in the gTLD locker with which it provides registry services, maintains data in a registry database, arranges for such maintenance, or derives revenue from such maintenance. A domain name in a registry database may be a Registered Name even though it does not appear in a TLD zone file (e.g., a registered but inactive name).

"Registrant" means the registered name holder, being a person, organization or company owning or otherwise controlling a Registered Name by virtue of a registration agreement with a Registrar.Registration policies and acceptable uses:

I. General Provisions for .locker

As a Registrant, you are required to enter into an electronic or paper registration agreement with an ICANN-Accredited Registrar or its authorized representative.As a Registrant you: (a) acknowledge and agree that Registry Operator reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any domain name(s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, as it deems necessary, in its unlimited and sole discretion: (i) to correct mistakes made by the Registry or any Registrar in connection with a domain name registration, (i) for the non-payment of fees to Registry or (iii) to implement ICANN policies or Registry policies referenced herein; and (b) indemnify, defend and hold harmless Registry and its subcontractors, and its and their directors, officers, employees, agents, and affiliates from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses arising out of or relating to, for any reason whatsoever, the Registrant's domain name registration. This indemnification obligation survives the termination or expiration of the registration agreement.

As a Registrant, you are prohibited in the use of your Registered Name from distributing malware, abusively operating botnets, phishing, pharming, spam, or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to applicable law, and the consequences for such activities include suspension of your registered domain name.

Nothing in this Acceptable Use and Terms of Service shall confer any right to any third party with respect to Registry Operator discretion to identify and act on violations hereof, except as otherwise expressly provided by applicable dispute policies (e.g. the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, the Uniform Rapid Suspension Policy, and other policies which expressly provide for adversarial proceedings).

As a Registrant, you are required to comply with all ICANN consensus policies applicable to Registrants, including (i) the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ( en/help/dndr/udrp), and (ii) the Uniform Rapid Suspension Policy; procedure-01mar13-en.pdf ( and ii) such other ICANN consensus policies as ICANN publishes on its website and makes applicable to Registry Operator, Registrar or Registrants, and as may be amended by ICANN from time to time. Note: the ICANN policy on the whois applies and information can be found here: By applying for or obtaining registration of a Registered Name, you acknowledge your acceptance and compliance with the terms under which such application and registration was made, including the terms and conditions of Sunrise registrations set forth in the .LOCKER Launch Plan, LOCKER Sunrise Application Dispute Resolution Policy, UNR Sunrise Challenge Policy, and additional transfer and use restrictions set forth herein below

I. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy

The Registry reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any domain name(s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, that it deems necessary, in its discretion; (1) to protect the integrity and stability of the registry; (2) to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, or any dispute resolution process; (3) to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of the Registry, as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and employees; (4) per the terms of the registration agreement or (5) to correct mistakes made by the Registry or any Registrar in connection with a domain name registration. The Registry also reserves the right to place upon registry lock, hold or similar status a domain name during resolution of a dispute.

The Registry shall also have the discretion to undertake such actions as cancellation, transfer, locking, or suspension of a name subject to abusive uses. Such abusive uses create security and stability issues for the registry, registrars and registrants, as well as for users of the Internet in general. The Registry defines abusive use as the wrong or excessive use of power, position or ability, and includes, without limitation, the following:

  • Illegal or fraudulent schemes;
  • Spam: The use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages. The term applies to e-mail spam and similar abuses such as instant messaging spam, mobile messaging spam, and the spamming of Websites and Internet forums. An example, for purposes of illustration, would be the use of email in denial-of-service attacks;
  • Phishing: The use of counterfeit Web pages that are designed to trick recipients into divulging sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, or financial data;
  • Pharming: The redirecting of unknowing users to fraudulent sites or services, typically through DNS hijacking or poisoning
  • Willful distribution of malware: The dissemination of software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. Examples include, without limitation, computer viruses, worms, keyloggers, and trojan horses;
  • Fast flux hosting: Use of fast-flux techniques to disguise the location of Websites or other Internet services, or to avoid detection and mitigation efforts, or to host illegal activities. Fastflux techniques use DNS to frequently change the location on the Internet to which the domain name of an Internet host or name server resolves. Fast flux hosting may be used only with prior permission of the Registry;
  • Botnet command and control: Services run on a domain name that are used to control a collection of compromised computers or "zombies," or to direct denial-of-service attacks (DDoS attacks);
  • Distribution of child abuse images; and
  • Illegal Access to Other Computers or Networks: Illegally accessing computers, accounts, or networks belonging to another party, or attempting to penetrate security measures of another individual's system (often known as "hacking"). Also, any activity that might be used as a precursor to an attempted system penetration (e.g., port scan, stealth scan, or other information gathering activity).

Registrant of a letter/letter two-character ASCIl label will take steps to ensure against misrepresenting or falsely implying that the registrant or its business is affiliated with a government or country-code manager if such affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement does not exist.

Any action that the Registry may make in relation to this Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy:

i. may be taken with or without notification to the Registrant; and is in addition to any other rights that the Registry may have in law.

ii. The Registry is not required to give reasons for action taken as per the above but. may do so from time to time where the Registry deems it appropriate at its absolute discretion.

Il. Sunrise Registration Anti-Hijack Provisions

Registered Names obtained in accordance with the Sunrise registration process shall be solely registered to the qualified applicant thereof who is the owner of the trade or service mark registration on the basis of which the Sunrise registration was allocated.

Such Registered Names shall be restricted from transfer to any other registrant, absent submission to the Registry of evidence of assignment, license or other authorized acquisition of rights in the underlying trade or service mark giving rise to Sunrise qualification, and shall remain subject to the provisions of the Sunrise Challenge Policy.

Registered Names obtained in accordance with the Sunrise registration shall not be maintained using a privacy or proxy registration services.

III. Additional Terms and Restrictions

The Registrant will abide by all applicable laws regarding privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct), fair lending, debt collection, organic farming, disclosure of data, and financial disclosures.

The Registrant further agrees that if it collects or maintains sensitive health and financial data that it will implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable law.